All About Me! SQUEEE!

Here is where you can find pictures of me, Blinky! LOVE!

All of these images of me, by the way, TC lifted from other sources and as usual, she can't remember who. So if any of these are yours, give her a holler and she'll make sure you get the proper credit.

In Pristine Form

Here I am shipped and MIB. Unfortunately I am held down with many ties so I can't gflomp onto you and steal your wallet as soon as you oopen the box. That is SO not love. Hmph.

Here I am in my ever-cute ball form. I can roll to you and give you HUGS! TC's cats also like to bat me around when I'm in this form too. But they love me, so all is good!

More me, what else? :D :D

End of the Line

Hehehehe! What a way to end a photo gallery. Lookit my tush! It's so cute! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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